Friday, July 25, 2008

Resume/Abstract : Part 7

24/07/08 Premier jour de la conference et gala d'ouverture au Biodome. Journee pleine d'emotion ou j'ai pu realiser un reve qui me tenait a coeur depuis 1986...Je me souviens encore du magasine et de l'emerveillement face a ce chercheur qui dediait sa vie a l'etude des requins citrons. Ce jour la je m'etais dit qu'un jour je le rencontrerais et ce jour c'etait hier....

First day of the conference, on the evening we get a diner in a nice and unusual venue : the biodome of Montreal. Yesterday was full of emotion because I was able to meet a shark resercher who was my hero since I was 7 ! I still can't believe it!!! I remember perfectly the day I heard about his research work with lemon sharks, it was in 1987 and this day I promise to myself that I will met him and yesterday it happen!!!!!

Apres ca j'avais les pieds sur terre mais la tete quelque part dans l'ocean
It was kind of a shock (Andrea, you remember last year when I get the Violin's bow of Yann Tiersen?) and I was feeling as if my feet were on the ground and my mind somewhere in the ocean !


Anonymous said...

Ca fait plaisir de lire tous les jolis mots porteurs de bonheur semés au gré de ce blog à ton image. Plein de bisous et sache que je suis très très heureuse pour toi.
Ta lovely Twin

PS: Petit ecoureuil Zoltan t'envoie plein de gros calins !!!

Anonymous said...

il y a quelques jours Kim , mon neveu (québécois d'adoption depuis 1 an et 1/2) était lui aussi au Biodôme pour admirer les z'animoss. It's a small, small world...
biz vio dont tu fais pétiller les yeux

AndreaInLondon said...

Of course I remember! It must have been a good shock :) I love your pictures and your stories, and I'm glad you are having such great time. Enjoy the rest of your trip (the best is yet to come) and let us know about NYC!

PS My favourite place in NY was Washington Square Park and Greenwich Village....